Free Online Quran Classes for Beginners kids and Adults

With the integration of modern technology, the world has become an easy place to live in. Similarly, modern technology has played a vital role in spreading the teachings of the Quran. Now, you can get a Quran education from the comfort of your home.


You must be wondering how. You can avail yourself of this by contacting one of the best Quran teaching academies, i.e., Quran Classes Online UK. They will amaze you with the courses they offer. 


Learning Quran Online

Their courses range from beginner to advanced level. They include

  • Noorani Qaida Course
  • Quran Recitation
  • Tajweed
  • Quran Memorization
  • Tafseer-ul-Quran


With all these courses, Quran Classes Online UK leaves no unturned when teaching Islam to the world. Moreover, no barriers during the learning phase will come your way with us. Something about us makes us special, and it’s preaching our Deen to every nook and corner of the world.

Instructors At Quran Classes Online UK

learn quran online skype

We’ve hired top-notch tutors from across the globe. We don’t directly employ the staff; instead, we conduct a test, followed by an interview, leading to selection. Then comes the training phase, where we train our teachers to polish their skills further.

In addition, our tutors are professionals in their field and hold degrees from top Islamic universities worldwide. Also, the good thing is that we’ve both male and female teachers so you can study whomever you’re comfortable with.

Moreover, our teachers are ijazah holders and hafiz-e-Quran and know the Quran and its meaning word by word. Knowing this; you should relax that you or your children are in the right hands.


24/7 Support

Most importantly, you’ll have access to the study material 24/7. You won’t have to wait for your instructor to provide the notes.


To top it off, every Muslim must learn and teach the Quran and lead their life according to its teachings. 


About Quran learning, our Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Bukhari)

Tajweed classes

Who Can Join Us?

The most debated thing of all time is who can join an online Quran learning academy. The good thing is that anyone can. Be it you, your spouse, or the children, any of you can enroll in our courses.


For teaching the Quran to kids , you can enroll them in our Noorani Qaida course, where they will learn the basics, eventually leading to learning the Holy Book with proper recitation and Tajweed.


Furthermore, you can join us if you want to re-read the Quran with Tajweed and Tafseer. You’ll enjoy the learning phase and will be under the supervision of your teacher during the classes. Here’s what the Messenger of Allah said;


“Whoever recites a letter of the book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed is multiplied into ten. I do not say that Alif Laam Meem is counted as a word letter. Rather, Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter, and Meem is one letter.”



Apart from that, there’s a Quran memorization course also available. If you want to memorize the Holy Quran and earn the blessings of Allah, feel free to contact us. There’s a big reward for those who memorize the Quran in this world and hereafter.


Here’s what our Holy Prophet PBUH says about Quran memorization.

“The one who memorized the Qur’an shall come on the Day of Judgment and (the reward for reciting the Qur’an) say: ‘O Lord! Decorate him.” So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it says: ‘O Lord! Give him more!’ So he is donned with a suit of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Be pleased with him.’ So He is pleased with him and says: “Recite and rise, and be increased in reward with every Ayah.”



Thus, explore the path to Quranic enlightenment – Join us today and begin your journey of learning and memorization!

                        What Makes Quran Classes Online the Best Academy?

Everyone is involved in the hectic routine of life. One hardly gets time to rest or go out with children. Under such circumstances, looking for a Quran teacher for the kids becomes daunting. This is when Quran Classes Online comes to the rescue.


Our access isn’t limited to people in Eastern countries, but Muslims living in Western countries can also join us. We understand it’s hard to find a good Islamic tutor abroad. Therefore, we devised a plan for an online Quran academy and made it a reality.


Since we began this online academy, we’ve had several students join us from different parts of the world. They had the best experience with our staff and learned or memorized the Quran by heart.


Learning the Quran is a tough journey, but it becomes easy and fruitful with the right tutors and a cozy environment.


Additional Information!

Learn Quran For Free


Those who cannot afford our online courses and are ambitious to learn the Quran, we’ve a special offer for them. We provide free online classes to the needy individuals. In addition, the fact that they are studying for free remains confidential, and are treated as other students. So, if there’s any financial issue, do not hesitate, contact us and learn Quran online for free with us!

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